Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI) in Germany
The lastest monitoring report “Selected Economic Key Data on the Culture and Creative Industries” demonstrates the immense economic significance of the CCI for the German economy. The number of companies has been growing continually since 2009. More than 250.000 business work in the CCI providing jobs to more than 1,6 million entrepreneurs and employees.
The monitoring is published on a regular basis by the Cultural and Creative Industries Initiative of the German Government. Each monitoring has a special focus, lately for example on internationalization in the CCI or cross innovation. Recently, special reports about digitization and innovation in the CCI as well as the economic significance of the German film industry have been published.
In Germany, the ministers of economy from the 16 German states have agreed on a common definition of cultural and creative industries. They “comprise all culture and creative enterprises that are mainly market-oriented and deal with the creation, production and/or dissemination through the media of cultural/creative goods and services.”
The following graphic shows the CCI submarkets

Source: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, 2009
Kreatives Sachsen, the Center for Cultural and Creative Industries Saxony – a unique support structure
Kreatives Sachsen, the Center for Cultural and Creative Industries Saxony, improves the conditions for successful creative work. Our work strengthens the capacity for innovation and growth in other business sectors and for developing new solutions to societal challenges. We provide consulting and support to companies, freelancers, institutions, associations, networks and municipalities.
Our services
The center is jointly run by the associations of the entrepreneurs themselves which makes it unique in Germany.
Find out more about the three associations at the base of our work:
Kreatives Leipzig: cultural and creative industries association in Leipzig
Kreatives Chemnitz: cultural and creative industries association in Chemnitz
Wir gestalten Dresden: cultural and creative industries association in Dresden
Kreatives Sachsen offers various internationalization activities: we organize business trips for cultural and creative entrepreneurs, information events and workshops on working internationally, hold lectures about creative industries abroad and participate in international projects. We can build upon our relations with networks in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and the U.S.
Our latest and upcoming internationalization activities
Oct 25-26, 2017 Creative Industries Development Forum of Azerbaijan, presentation on the Role of Creative Industries in innovation and economic development
Oct 26-27, 2017 Business trip to Prague, in cooperation with the innovation network PRIME, the German-Czech Chamber of Commerce and the Goethe Institute in Prague
Nov 3-4, 2017 German-Russian Creative Industries Forum ARTWERK
Nov 7, 2017 International Conference Cross-Border Culture, Dresden
Sept 18-19, 2018 Presentation of Creative Saxony skills development approach during the OECD Forum for Local Development Practitioners, Entrepreneurs and Social Innovators in Porto / Portugal
Nov 15-18, 2018 Business Delegation to the 2nd German-Russian Creative Industries Forum ARTWERK
Contact person for requests related to internationalization and EU projects
Josephine Hage
Deputy Director Kreatives Sachsen
josephine.hage [ät]